Here’s why you should practice Resistance Training

Resistance Training not only helps you build on muscle, but also your strength.
It involves using resistance bands, free weights, barbells, dumbbells, or machines in the gym that you can change weights and perform with.

Walking does not aid in muscle building, but resistance training tones and builds muscle strength. Anything that causes muscles to contract against an external resistance, and increases muscle mass strength or endurance is a form of resistance training.
You are breaking down muscle fibres using resistance, proteins, hormones and other nutrients to support this area, repair them and make them stronger.

The benefits are endless, especially as you age.

  • It slows ageing by changing the inner working of cells and can aid with bone health, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
  •  Studies have also suggested that Lifting enables the release of a hormone called osteocalcin, which plays a key role in preserving good memory.
  • It can also raise the metabolic rate and help you maintain a healthy body weight. You may also experience reduced cholesterol, anti-inflammatory benefits and blood pressure regulation as a result of Resistance Training.
  • Some mental perks include improved cognition, self-esteem and reduced symptoms of anxiety. The existing muscle capacity of your body is maintained and improved by strength building exercises, the energy of which comes from the fat stores in your body.
  • The body when it takes time to repair muscles from the strain of these exercises, will continue to burn calories for long hours after the exercise has been performed, even at rest.

It has been suggested that two 15 to 20 minute training sessions a week is ideal to obtain all the benefits of Resistance Training. To perform activities that involve lifting does not necessarily require visits to a gym. Carrying heavy bags like shopping, walking at an incline, swimming, climbing can all all lend to building physical strength. There are some major muscle groups that are used more often, and will be of use especially going into old age. Working these will help operate daily activities at ease, these involve strengthening muscles of the legs, arms, core, chest and back. Bodyweight exercises such as pushups, lunges and squats can help you achieve strength.

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