Witnessing a weight increase in the morning? Here’s why.

Daily weight fluctuations are normal and using the scale to measure your weight loss progress is not always ideal. It is not possible to gain a few actual pounds over a weekend, it takes consumption of at least 7000 unburned calories to put on a kilo. If you weigh yourself every hour of the day, you are sure to notice how the scale shifts. Sometimes, even when you are consistent, a sudden weight spike may occur and we have some explanations.

Meal planning can be a very simple yet beneficial practice that takes you a long way in your fitness journey. Moreover, make more of an effort to plan for the harder times like weekends and late nights (or any other time of day you are vulnerable to going off track). Here are some tips we’ve put together to help you plan meals efficiently!

  • Water retention is often times the culprit of fluctuations on the scale.
  • Foods high in sodium can often exacerbate this.
  • If you have performed a heavy workout involving compound movements on a lot of large muscles, you may experience water retention.
  • You haven’t had enough water. Long periods of dehydration can signal the body to conserve fluids leading to water retention.
  • You may be expecting your periods. Estrogen levels rise causing the body to retain fluid and making you weigh heavier around the start of your periods.
  • You might be experiencing digestive issues. These can lead to bloating and an inflamed gut. Monitor how your body reacts to some known inflammatory foods to see if you should be avoiding them.
  • You may be building muscle mass, so while the weight may remain the same, you may notice that your inch measurements may have reduced.
  • Medication like antihistamines, insulin and antidepressants can cause your weight to spike. They can interfere with hormonal balance and slow the metabolism.
  • If you have dropped weight too fast by going on a steep calorie deficit, your body may be signaled to start storing fat in defense.
  • Sleeping an inadequate number of hours can make you hungrier the next day. This can also lead to high levels of cortisol which makes you store fat.
  • Consuming alcohol can cause you to weigh heavier.
  • Consuming high carb meals at night. The body has not had time to burn this and may store this as fat.
  • Similarly, eating late at night does not allow the food to be used as fuel and lends to weight gain.

It can be challenging to practice moderation at all times, if there has been any interruption to the consistency of discipline you may notice that your weight fluctuates. Weigh yourself on an empty stomach every morning or at the same time every day, for a more accurate view of your progress.

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